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January workouts continued.. 2, 3, and 4. 

Workouts 5, 6, and 7 are coming. 

don't be a potato. 

Please keep in mind I do a dynamic warm up that lasts anywhere from 7-30 minutes long before every workout. 

WOD #2:


20 extensions, increase weight if able- on 5th set do a 20,20,20 drop set

20 curtsy squats 

20 donkey kicks each leg 


20 single leg lying curls 

20 dumbbell walking lunges 


12 barbell glute bridges-  on every 3rd rep, 3 sec pause

12 eccentric straight legged barbell deadlifts 

20 box jumps with step down dismount 


20 heavy kettlebell front squats 

after 5th set, 30 jump squats 

WOD #3:

4x (pick a light-moderate weight on bar) 

20 reps of each:

skull crushers 

chest press 

shoulder press 

bent over row 

bicep curls 

minimal rest- repeat until 4 rounds is done. 


30 second ski machine 

5 reps: DRAG/PUSH SLED COMBO: heavy drag 5 steps back, 5 steps pushing sled forward, repeat. 

6 each arm, kneeling kettlebell shoulder press

60 second plank


5 pull ups 

12 rear delt cable single arm flyes - last rep hold for 3 second+

12 single arm bent over kettlebell rows, other arm is extended straight down 


6 dumbbell single arm row - moderate-heavy 

12 single arm resistance band lateral raises 

12 dumbbell front raises 

WOD #4


8 bent over barbell rows 

20 slam balls 

10 banded push ups 

12 kettlebell deadlfits 


30meter ski or row machine 

20 landmine row 

20 (10 each arm) around the world's


15 dumbbell seated shoulder presses 

20 resistance band bicep curls 

20 second each arm resistance band lateral hold 


20 alternating v ups 

20 supermans 

40 Russian twists 

40 mountain climbers 



Thanks so much for sharing these. I struggle to find a way to change up what I’m doing and these plans are a great way to add to what I do and looking forward to using them. Thank you!