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These are a few of my personal workouts for you guys from this month. Disclaimer notice: some of these have been modified and edited for your viewing. I still have my 'secrets'.. cough cough, hard work. 

WOD 1:

5 minute w/u: 50m~ there and back

Jog, backwards run, 10 pushups, 10 squats, side shuffle


8 up and over kettlebell step ups on box/tire

5 atlas ball lifts (heavy object to high point movement)

5 keg cleans 

sled sprint 50m, there and back 

150m run 

bosai ball abs 15 reps (3 sec holds)


banded side shuffle 50m

sprint 50m


12 reps/ 3s negative, 3s hold 

rear delt cable pulls 

straight lat pull downs 

banded rear delt (fast as possible)

5 pullups 


2 minute: 

walking lunges

2 minute:


1 minute break

WOD 2:

500m row, then:

40 air bike reps (20 each arm)

15 heavy kettlebell squats 

400m row, " ", 300m row " ", 200m row " ", 100m row " ". 


10 bent over rows on ez bar curl 

15 bicep cable curls- focus on negatives 

1 minute: mountain climbers

burner set:

50 reps: 5 slow, 5 fast:

upright rows w/appropriate weight 

40 Russian twists w/weight 

WOD 3:


12 seated cable rows 

20 resistance band rear delt pulls 

20 front plate pushes 

10/10 (each direction) around the world 


40 battle ropes (various ways)

10/10 kettlebell single arm rows 

100m ski machine (if no ski- sled push or maybe something like run against a box that is pushed up against the wall and push into it while running- act like you can run through the wall/box)

20 straight leg toe touches 


20 leg extensisons 

15 bosai ball ham string curl (focus on glute tie in)

15 banded jump squats 

after 4th set, drop set:

extensions: 20, 20, 20

banded monster walk there and back 

2x: 10/10 banded single leg side steps with band 


5 minute w/u

dynamic stretching 


20 v-ups alt. legs 

15 med ball roll ups with forward press 

6 each side plank w/ sandbag pull through 


600m run- 400m at easy pace, 200m all out 

double kettlebell heavy farmers carry 50m~

30 resistance band pulls (high, low, or any pull)

WOD 5:

10min dynamic w/u

3 mile run at race pace 


3x banded broad jumps 

12 goblin kettlebell squats 

12 donkey kicks (resistance or weight if desired-no weight just do contraction holds)


20 pushups 

20 sit ups 

WOD 6:


400m run 

2x: sled push up hill 

8x gorilla

20 ball slams 

40 Russian twists



20 squat and press

20 high knees burpee

bear crawl 50m

200m run w/ 30# weight


40 air bike 

20 kettlebell swings

40 walking lunges

(Tabata: row)



awwww you’re welcome! i need to do more artwork but honestly overwhelmed with my schedule so changed some things around. but more more sketches!