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Finally got a week off from both of my jobs. Now can actually get stuff sorted and organized. So a few things.

First, I can FINALLY say why I've been quiet other than work. There's been 3 animations I've been having to do and all 3 had to stay somewhat a secret. 1 is SFW stuff. I legit have been working with 2 pretty well known warhammer groups for making cutscenes for their game and board game fights and stuff. I've been pretty hooked in the 40k universe and put a bit of focus in there. That 1 anim sadly need to stay a bit of a secret because no one in this server know who I am and IMA KEEP IT THAT WAY. But I'll prolly show a teaser of the anim but from a different angle so it cant be pinpointed. They've offered me a PRETTY damn big sum of money for each cutscene so a bit of focus has been in there.

But I'm getting side tracked

That one anim was for that. The other 2 however had to stay secret because the person just didnt want them posted anywhere because they just wanted them private. HOWEVER, that has changed now to where I can only show on Patreon which Im fine with. I know I said I wouldnt pay wall anything but in this case it's literally either I show on here, or I dont show at all :c

And I really wanna show the VERY hot stuff these anims have~ >:3

SO! That stuff aside, I finally put in my 2 weeks for my 2nd job and can finally have more time for things animation wise and can get more involved in the community which was a goal of mine. SO!

With THAT being said, Im still thinking on it but may re-work the tiers in patreon so that its not all over the fuckin place like an amalgamation of BS... And can ACTUALLY post the shit I promised like I always should have been x-x

Cant believe I'm doing the EA battlefront 2 apology... But I'm gonna re-work some shit to figure out the best balance for everything. After this anim is done, (Literally 90% finished) I can show what I've been working on for the past month and a half. Then after that I'm going into SFM and rendering all the stuff that I've been doing for practice and such.

Now... The only downside about this all... Like.. quite literally the only. I may have to nix making movie like stuff where there was an intro, the rising action, climax, blah blah blah. Mainly just because the level of detail I strive for takes a LOOOOONG time and I dont like making people wait. ESPECIALLY if theres money involved x-x. Makes me super antsy that I'm taking people's money and not delivering. so THAT SHIT, is gonna be different. Going to actually be able to give updates on stuff I'm doing.


Just know I'm not superman :c

I cant do everything at once, I cant cater to all at once, I do need time for breaks and that's something I'm going to force myself to do now. Is to take proper breaks and let everyone know when I do. Because I can NOT stay glued to my screen 24/7. There are things I want to do outside of animating. But none the less, I'll get as much done as I can so I'm happy

You're horny~

And we all have fun in the end~

And with that! I hope you're all having a really good day!

Remember to stay hydrated!

And stay in school! <3 <3



Nu rush Miss Mav x3 your stimky butt needs to focus on your works UwU