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  • Fluid test.mp4




After SO many goddamn hours reading, testing, breaking SFM, reading more, writing shit, AND MORE FUCKING READING! I finally figured out how to do this >:3

This is gonna cut down on SO much time x-x

Sorry that there's no audio. Trust me though... You dont wanna know what audio I use for practice animations and such. Its very cringy XD. BUT if you guys want me to put audio and non audio versions of these little test animations and shorts do let me know and I will X3

But dont say I didnt warn ya!




I’m sorry you feel overwhelmed or done with College :( I may have only gone nonstop to college for a year but I only got a taste of the Hell you unfortunately have, I hope everything goes better for you in college ^W-^


hhhh... im hoping I dont get swamped too hard x-x thank you though, godspeed I guess ^w^

Ein Normaler Fan

Damn....... i cant imagine how much you suffered from animating this animation, aswell as the hell in college! I truly loon up to you to manage that all! Trust me, this coding looks awesome! You really did a wonderful job at it💚 And to your question with the sound: Yes, i would kindly love it! No matter if thats cringey or not! When its too much, then i just can simply mute the video myself aswell ;)