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Quick heads up ya'll, I'm gonna be takin March and April off to finally take a long deserved break. I've been going full throttle for so long and I REALLY have GOT to just stop now. I've been talkin with a therapist about my stress and mental overload and funny enough she, haha, she just takes off her glasses and just goes, "From what you're telling me, it sounds like... YA NEED A BREAK Haha."

The level of mental overload I've been under is really no laughing matter cuz mah GAWD is my brain just scrambled eggs XD. So for a March and April I'm gonna freeze patreon and just skip those billing months so I'm not just BLANKLY charging people $3 - $15 for no reason. I know that's not a lot by a long shot but I'd just feel bad for just goin YOINK! and not puttin out anything in return.



Take as long as you need to recover mate. If you ask me, you deserve that fucking break


It's good to give yourself breaks and a lil holiday like this. You'll feel refreshed and everything. Plus we get a chance to open the windows and air this place out. Also with you telling us to freeze at the beginning of this post and aiming your ass at us, is that a warning that you will fire if we move?? *flails about and does the YMCA*