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Got a lot coming in in the next few days

A few animations (some made a while ago, a few scrapped cut animations, and some W.I.P stuff)

some renders (A nice dutch oven little render set with Mav~ A Loona or Renamon one will be made also. Maybe even an asriel, foxy, or kass one too if I got the time for it X3)

LOOOOOOOOOOT of alt angle and different variations on some previous practice animations when testin out stuff.

Just trying to make as much as possible to just fully FLOOD out and then take maybe march to grind again and then April flood out again.

What I'm mainly tying to do is have atleast one long animation surrounded by a plethora of shorts and stills so I can satisfy everyone.  I may not be the fastest, but DAMNIT! I TRY MY ASS OFF!

Though in some sad news I may have to freeze all work and patreon together to take a decently long hiatus because according to me therapist... I'm suffering from a LOT of mental overload and its starting to wear on my head a bit. It shouldnt be like EONS of time. But a decent while till I can actually think again. Anyway, just thought I'd let everyone know what's going on! ^w^

Hope you're all havin a good day! Stay in school :3 (Been a long time since I've said that one...)



Ein Normaler Fan

aw damn....im really sorry to hear that! i wosh you a really good recovery on your hiatus!

Ein Normaler Fan

also.....DUTCH OVEN? And i swear to satan if you are going to do a dragon fart animation im gonna kneel down to you and pray my money to you!!!!!

Big Red

Understandable mate, I hope you come back all refreshed and raring to go :)


"Dutch", as in the ODST named Dutch.... I see what you did there, funny person :3