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  • Fox Mccloud W.I.P.mp4



So after about a long fuckin time of SFM fighting me... I finally figured out WHY it kept crashing and now I was able to work on and render this thing.

This'll serve as a flashback in the Fox and Wolf animation I'm working on and that one is what Im working on next. Gonna get the blocking sequences done first and then get down into the grit of it. I've been slacking on it for too long and think its time to get back onto it.

But this is some nice audio once again by my good friend Dainamo A.K.A "Imaslowperson" on FA, and I cant wait to see how huffy some of you get once I get the VFX done~ ;3



Kitsu Fox (Jonathan C)

Nice to see yah working on the fox and wolf stuff, looking great so far