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It's been kind of a hectic on and off week for me. Been busy meeting some new peeps (which was fun ^w^), friends wanting to hang out (Also fun), and needing to take care of my dog. So It's been a little cwazy X3, BUT! I still got time to make some animations and I do try to give what time and mental energy that I got to make and continue working on stuff.

So as for animations I got a few in the works that I'm workin on, sadly none of them are the ones featured in the teaser as I gotta get back onto blocking and splining out those and I'll keep you all updated on how that's going. These were Ideas I had a small while back before I made that teaser and decided to start coming back to finish abandoned ideas. 

About 7 somewhat short animations comin in the wet works soon so, keep ya peepers peeled out for them :3

Though I have GOT to sit my fat fuckin shark ass down and just get back to working on the teased animations. What sucks is that I KNOW just how much work is put into these animations and I now know the level of effort I have to do to get the level of detail that I'm after and MAN does it burn one out sometimes. BUT! I said I'd do it, I teased it, and I need to get back onto it. So, within this month to next month, I should have something to show. And hopefully people like it <3 <3

Im really sorry for the long waits but its just the way my life be moving in the current moment BUT! I aint stoppin anytime soon X3 *Raises hands*




You keep doing you buddy!! I'm just waiting for the day when commissions are a thing😉😊