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Hello Double and Triple Shot Tier patrons! Below is the link for the September rewards pack. The link will be active until next month's rewards are sent out, so be sure to download the .zip file by then!

September 2023 Rewards Pack (Double & Triple Shot Tier) 

Thanks again for another wonderful month!




This month’s sketch set is great! Love all the Nightshade dress concept series as usual. But the standout to me was the Nunshade concept sketches and if I had to choose one, concept 3 stands out the most. Just as how the my eyes are up here sketch is with Dazzler, which funnily enough pares nicely with low angle Markus. Which leads to Dazzler embraced which is just cute and a fun size comparison. Although the main part of this entire sketch set is having the new nurse sketches, I love how much character pops from each sketch! Her maturity and grace just perfectly fits, I love how professional she looks in Hello Nurse 1, then how playful she is in HN 2, sultry in 3 and back to playful in 4. The additional doodles of her just drip personality and a sense of gravity (wink, wink), the side strip and take off are perfect ‘full body’ shots for her profile. Capping off with nurse and dazzler in the hot tub, I love Dazzlers expression and Nurses “uh-huh” expression, honestly a great new character to match Dazzlers energy. Thank you for a great sketch set this month, love to see your creative process especially when it involves a new character, love to see it! Thank you once again Kadath, looking forward to seeing next Monday set.


I had a lot of fun working on the Nurse designs, and several of those concept sketches are going to be made into pinups ;D The hot tub sketch is something I am brainstorming for a scene much later in the story, but I like the idea of them having a hot tub in a snowy environment. That nice mixture of chilly and steamy!