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Hello Single Shot Tier patrons! Below is the link for the August rewards pack. The link will be active until next month's rewards are sent out, so be sure to download the .zip file by then!

August 2023 Rewards Pack (Single Shot Tier) 

Thanks again for another wonderful month!




It was the goofy, exaggerated tone that made me get SR3. I liked how it had its own style and embraced absurdity. I had played the second game a few times before but lost interest with it primarily because of the respect lvl keeping you locked out of the story. Plus I love the character creation design in 3, and dressing up my female boss in casual and stylish clothes, got the remaster too as soon as it came out! Lol However I too was disappointed with how the series ended. It’s not inherently a bad direction to have taken the series but antagonizing the customers who have been loyal wasn’t the way to go. (RIP) indeed, but at least we can remember a replay the good stuff they made, the legacy can still be positive in some way.


Yeah, SR3 was really the pinnacle of the series. It felt very distinct from the goofy tone to the purple theming giving it a brand identity to make it stand apart. SRIV and Gat out of Hell were DLC expanded into bigger games, and it showed, because they felt like SR3 add-ons and didn't do a lot to further it besides super powers. To me, SR2022 felt like they took all the charm out of it. They even changed the city and got rid of the beloved cast. If it weren't called SR, I doubt it would've been seen as more than, well... a GTA clone lol, and yeah, Volition's team felt very snide towards fans of the prior games, and they catered to a generation of gamers that didn't grow up with the games, so it was kind of a cutting your nose to spite your face situation. And now they're gone. Sigh. At least we got a remaster of SR3 before they left. Too bad Red Faction 1 & 2 didn't get the same treatment. Sadly, I'm honestly surprised Volition lasted this long. SR3 was their last big hit game, and that was 12 years ago on the PS3/360. Everything else they've made since has been either just okay, or an outright flop. It's kind of a miracle they survived so long :S


I had fun with 4 but I won’t lie that it was clearly originally planned as the “Enter the Dominatrix” DLC that had the the giant flow can and superpowers. Same, as soon as they stated that the saints are formed due to student loan debt as the motivation, while funny in concept doesn’t work properly as proper motivation. Gave off “how’s it going fellow youths” vibes tbh, lol. 30 years does put things into perspective, especially when saints row started in 2006- that’s 13 years after they established Volition. I was 16 when SR3 came out and it was a great addition to my ps3 library, I’d gotten every dlc pack(s) including the crappy vampire pack. 🤣


SR4 was fun in an Infamous/Gravity Rush/Crackdown way where exploring the city looking for clusters using those traversal super powers was rewarding, and it had some great segments (like the 1950s part) but overall it really did feel like an expansion pack due to its origins as DLC. I'm hoping there's a Red Faction collection released someday, but with their closure, I'm not holding out hope XD