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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #409 - 412 go here!

Only Double Shot or Triple Shot Tier patrons can ask questions.

You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month, if chosen.

Please note that if you have asked the same question multiple months in a row and I have not chosen it, then it's unlikely I ever plan to, so try asking something new!




Nightshade: What do you prefer coffee or tea & add to make it more flavorful for yourself? All guys: Would guys make club for ladies similar to Safari club or night ladies only? Sebastian: do you prefer coffee or tea & what type milk to add to it. Dazzler & Patrick : Would you like to serve him or something else? Puzzle: what's does Diamond's pussy taste like if you could describe it?


Okay that's plenty of questions to go through. Thanks everyone!

This 1 guy (I dunno)

Markus: If you had to choose only one, who's virginity would you rather take? A newly-wed Milf who's sworn to only sleep with her new husband, or a handsome Alpha Male who dreams of becoming a devout Franciscan friar? Puzzle: If you had the time, money, resources, etc, to make a porno and/or romance movie, what would it be about? Nightshade: What if you're trapped in a windowless room, and your only escape paths all have their own obstacles; a pit of dildos, a giant, and two guys who haven't had sex in months. Which path woud you take?