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Hello Triple Shot Tier patrons! I have been thinking of what other perks I could provide for your pledge tier, and I had a few ideas.

One is a special, significant discount on my Etsy store only for your tier. I would have to find a way to verify only Triple Shot Tier patrons would be able to use the discount, so I will look into that.

I also was thinking of maybe early access to said Etsy merch, so you get first dibs on new stuff!

Another idea I have been considering is a private art stream, maybe once a month, where I work on a pic or comic page, and only patrons from this pledge tier could access the stream. It might be something I do with Picarto or with Discord, I'm unsure.

Let me know what you think of these ideas! Presently they're just brainstorms, but I am hoping to find additional perks for you! :3



As for me, i wouldn’t be interested in merch or a stream. The only thing i could imagine rn would be a vote, where story paths will go. I am happy with your .psd data only.


Maybe a poll for suggesting and voting on new merch for the Etsy shop