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For a risk-taking kind of gal, she at least uses protection.



Garry Stahl

I like the cold weather. Even more with her standing there. Warms you right up.


Kinda hard to take her seriously when she's dressed like that , though.

Talismann Minis

You know... it's bad when somebody gets their tongue stuck to a pole. I do not want to think of what could happen with outdoor pole dancing....

Michael S Marks

Those are definitely the proper "protection" from the cold. There is another way to stay warm in the cold. It involves keeping warm thru body heat, then again I might need another form of protection given her current attire, or lack there off attire.

Sean Barron

Dazzler doesn't need a coat. She's already wearing one.


Winter is Cumming


Well, that’s one way to keep the guys warm.