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Well she technically never said no to any of them so... a triple three-way?!




Definitely the naked bowling

Patrick Miller

I'm totally down for the first two if she ever chooses 😜

Chance Mills

I think a triple three-way is just an orgy, Kad


'It was then that Dynamite realized something important: all her friends were insane.' :D

Foxy Lovehound

Dynamite take Nightshade’s offer ( on another note seeing Nightshade show a newbie the magical world of bdsm would be fun)

Sean Barron

So many good choices: If Dynamite chooses Rory and Vera, she'll get a massage and a bear hug. If Dynamite chooses Di and Puzzle, she gets video games and intense cuddles. If Dynamite chooses Nightshade and Patrick, she'll get spankies. And whatever else Nightshade has in store for her. And Patrick will watch and try to get in on the action Whatever Dynamite chooses, she'll have a good time either way.

Hammer of Terra

Mama bear looking thirsty 👀

Marcus Heckinberry

If she goes with Nightshade that’s a WILD way to lose your virginity lol


I don’t think Rory really has a clue; Mama Bear might break him.

Facundo Daniel

Rory in her thoughts: Why is she looking at me like that? 😳 Vera in her thought: It's so sweet I'd eat it in one bite 😋 😂😂😂😂😂


That’s an interesting technicality for an orgy… gonna keep that in my back pocket.


Ruby hiding somewhere with a video camera is the unseen fourth choice XD


I would pay to see that first one. <3


I think she’d have the best time with Diamond and Puzzle.


I’m telling you Dynamite would have FUN with Rory and Vera. Not even just hot stuff but sex that makes you laugh and giggle with each other.

Facundo Daniel

Vera is a mother figure to Tracy and would also be like her sex ed teacher. It would teach her to feel safe, and it would also give Rory's scared little doggie a push 😉

Michael S Marks

As fun as Vera and Rory would be, Vera would most likely just flirt. She is Dynamites protector, and most likely loyal to her husband. Between Di and Puzzle or Nightshade, as clumsy as Puzzle is it is safer than any toy Nightshade would bring to the party.