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Facundo Daniel

Big Kitty in action!!! 😼


Like one of those French girls??? 😱😱

Zhon Lord

And that, is a proper reason for why someone might not be interested in Olivia. Much as she's my favorite of your ladies as a character Kad, relationship-wise she is indeed an outgoing party animal and there are plenty of people - myself included - who would be happier with a quieter, stable relationship for the long term. Here's to Regina and Eugene finding that in each other!


Go for it, Regina. Give us quiet, nerdy guys a shot


Oh my gosh he made her blush! That is so cute! 😄 I totally want them to be a couple now!

Jet Stream

She does have the breasts of a goddess


He's not wrong. <3

Foxy Lovehound

Eugene with the smooth talk

Hammer of Terra

Real Dynamite vibes from Regina and I love it! 😁

Sean Barron

And just like that, Eugene got himself a girlfriend.


Boom goes the dynamite.


And that is how you navigate the “do you find her attractive?” minefield.


This is Regina, Not Dynamite. Dynamite is a cheetah and English. Regina is a… tailless… something, and Canadian. :P


I can't tell if he's just being smooth or just lucky enough to say the right thing but damn he sure is getting to the kitty


Yeah Olivia is a LOT to handle. Even Gabby, who is head over heels for her, is unsure how to approach her about it. She's a little spitfire XD


Look up smooth on wikimeowdia and Eugene's portrait is on there XD