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Woo! We've reached 100 Asks! This one is a bit of a throwback to the first one, which featured Di & Puz talking videogames. Here's to another 100 Asks!



Jawara D. Pittman

I gotta admit Dreamcast did hit. Too bad, it didn't have enough good games.


Congrats on 100 asks!! Very impressive! And yes Dreamcast was awesome but you are only including the wii and Wii U and Nintendo switch and not the DS handhelds right? Cause the DS and 3DS rock!


I agree with Diamond the Nintendo switch looks dumb I wouldn't buy it even it was to safe my life


I have to agree with Di, Nintendo doesn't seem to learn from past mistakes and they keep repeating said mistakes over and over. I have no hype whatsoever for the Nintendo Switch, and I've no interest in getting it at all. Nintendo also seems to always screw the fanbase over when they have to monetize or slap a copyright strike at Youtube videos for showing even Seconds of Nintendo games or taking down fanbased games that fans of Metroid, and Pokemon (to name a few) that have poured their heart and soul into even when said fan games themselves are free. Sorry, I just wanted to express my opinion on Nintendo and it suddenly became a rant XD. Congrats on reaching 100 asks Kadath! :)


OG Dreamcast, those were good ol' times


Hey kadath what language do you speak


Di raises a good point, though frankly I liked the Gamecube more than the Dreamcast...even if 99% of my library from it is Dreamcast titles.


it's ok, sometimes I say crazy things too


The GameCube remains my personal favorite console. I wouldn't call it "the best" but it's my favorite.


Ok for that I have to agreed with Di


Congrats on 100 :)


I totally agree about the Dreamcast X3

Alexey Belovolsky

I'll always love Sega Genesis. MK3, RRR, Dune2, Lost Vikings, Battletech were the best games ever.


Congrats on the 100! \^-^/

Talismann Minis

Uh oh Di - looks like SOMEBODY is gonna end up on the couch tonight!


Thank you! :D And oh yeah, only home consoles. Nintendo's bread and butter really is its handheld market!


Yeah, Nintendo just will *not* listen to what their fans or the market wants. They seem to think they know better than everyone else because they used to be the market leader, but really they have been consistently falling behind ever since the N64, except for the Wii casual bump. Ohhh yeah, I totally forgot about their copyright strikes. Yeah they are hardcore about their DMCAs, to the point where I don't think I'll probably ever draw fanart of their stuff, despite my love of some of their franchises. And thanks!


All Hail to the Dreamcast!


except for the Dreamcast part (i never had one of those) i agree with her. Congarts for #100


Congrats on 100!


Try making it to 200 this time!


When are you going to continue he the Londoners?