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Believe it or not, smell is a cat's strongest sense. For Riley, it may be a bit too strong sometimes.



Jet Stream

Olivia must be a greenhouse of smells then

Sean Barron

Regina is super cute in the first panel. FEESH!


Homeboy in the last panel looks like he just got back from a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. Or Melee.

Ded Otter Man

I'm sorry, how do you recognize "SEX" being done twice?

Sean Barron

I bet Riley's sense of smell would be stronger if she was blindfolded.

Ded Otter Man

But like, this isn't a video game where it stacks. Then again I'm over thinking this.


To many she's garden of delights, but to Riley she's a terror-ium XD


Animals often identify and differentiate others by scent. If you have two people with post-sex phermones, she could tell the difference.


Oh my gosh you actually made Regina adorable! She just wean more points in the Top 10 favorites listing.


And they have such good hearing that they can hear a can of cat food being opened for them a mile away

Foxy Lovehound

The “feesh” 👁️👁️ took me out


Haha XD I have been waiting a long time to do that bit with her XD


Riley wishes it was her


So, will we see Regina running around with a purrfume [sic] bottle, spritzing things saying "this is mine and this is mine and this is mine and all this except for right here is mine..."? Will Riley suffer a terrible accident and then show up with a golden "H" on her forehead?

