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Riley seems very fixated on the pecking order.

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Zhon Lord

General Tarquin, order of the stick: "There must be some sense of ORDER - personal, political, or dramatic. And if no one else is going to bring it to this world, then I will."

Big bad boys

Wow she really needs to bonked with the forget me stick she is reallly going at it and needs to chill damb


Take a look in the mirror.

Hammer of Terra

Poor Regina. I’m liking the continued mystery around Rebecca though 👀


Riley's just mad because she's not getting any of the pecking.

Sean Barron

Of course Riley never accounted for Regina's eventual betrayal. And the things she said about Olivia makes me think she has a yandere feeling towards her.

Rey Fox



Yes, very easy to say “Everyone needs to know their place” when your place is on top… It’s a self serving belief that ultimately protects yourself.


Upper class bitch. 😡 Karma will catch up to her eventually and I can’t wait to see it.

Nico Werehog

spoil rich kid wants to everyone to dance to her tune. well get ready, a new DJ is coming in to flip the script on you.

Michael S Marks

She made our kitty cry. I know Regina isn't an angel, but no one deserves being talked to that way. She needs a Vera like Dynamite has to shield her some, and maybe help her improve herself.


Ah yes, rich catholic school

Nathaniel Windcaster

Riley should beware of the quiet ones, for they will betray her when she least expects it.