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Hey all!

If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you’ll know that Kaylii and I have been moving into a new apartment. It’s in the same complex we’re in now, but a bigger unit. We’ve wanted to upgrade to a two bedroom to have a dedicated studio space for many years now, and an opportunity presented itself and we jumped at the chance.

However this also meant that we had to move quickly, and we spent all of last week moving our stuff to the new place, and this week we are unboxing everything, building new furniture, and putting everything into its proper place.

Because of all this, I have not been able to finish this month’s Pleasure Principle pages. I actually inked them mid-move before taking our computers to the new place, but haven’t had time to colour them. Frankly, I’m too physically and mentally exhausted to do them in time. I considered trying to do them next week and double update then, but I don't think I can manage it.

So what I’m going to do is post the remainder of the Interspecies Diplomacy comic. There’s one page left, but also several cover art pieces, so about 4 images left. In a way this is nice because I can wrap up that project this month and focus on Pleasure Principle and a new project next month.  

I’m sorry for the change in plans, and I really did try to get everything done in time, but the move opportunity sprung up out of the blue, and we had to make the transition quick. I feel bad because I promised Pleasure Principle pages this month, but I hope the Interspecies Diplomacy content will be worthwhile 🙏




No worries at all, whenever any beneficial opportunities arise it’s always good to invest! You both are doing something that personally and professionally helps you achieve your goals. Enjoy christening your new apartment and congratulations on upgrading!!! 🎉🎊🍾🥂

Ded Otter Man

YoU aNd KaYlIi LiVe ToGeThEr?!?!?!?!?!??!?! Since when!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Omigosh I should have known. Also take all the time you need.


There is no problem, life comes first And you have to rest to be in good shape to be able to continue drawing ^^ Take care of yourselves in your new apartment And take all the time you need to rest well

Nicholas Wojdak

Do whatever you need to do! Thanks for letting us know!

Holo Wolf

I know the joys and stress of moving all too well. It's important to know your limits. I hope you can relax a little!

Pierre Johnson

Do not worry, moving for me has been PAIN every single time. Don't kill yourself next month trying to catch up, if you had a working rhythm just get back into it even if the release schedule is a little behind

Zhon Lord

Kad, if I've said it once to you over the years, I've said it a dozen times or more: life. Comes. First. Always. Do what you need to and don't go risking burnout, we'll all be here when you're moved and settled.

Facundo Daniel

Home is much more important than everything about things, Kad! You have never disappointed. Good things always have to end, as was Interspecies Diplomacy, but it seems that maybe something better is coming, I think. Good luck and thanks!

James P

life comes first, patreon/job second!


It’s all good, Kadath. You take as much time as you needed. Thanks for letting us know and good luck on your move.


I appreciate it! I just feel bad saying 'yeah I'll do this project this month' and couldn't make it happen. I know it's something that is understandable for most, but I still feel bad UmU


I know UwU I just feel bad when I promise certain content and things happen that require changing the schedule. I'll at least still have lots to post next week!


Thanks - I hope that this new office space will help with productivity. Now I have a door I can close to keep my cat from staring me down for hours before his dinner time XD

Ded Otter Man

It all makes perfect sense, especially the colabs. I can't believe it took me this long to put two and two together.


That’s very understandable and admirable, really shows your commitment and passion to your work and fans.


Take care of things IRL first. Artist before art. <3


Well giraffes do need their extra space with those long necks