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Hello everyone! Here's the update for February, before rewards packs go out. 

Share and Share Alike: Part Two

This month will be mostly dedicated to finishing up Part Two of the comic. There'll be six pages plus a cover, so again, more than usual for me. I'm trying not to burn myself out, but I'm wanting to get this comic over with...lol. I want to move on to other things. However, I may begin Part Three next month. I'm debating this still, because I don't want to lose momentum on this project, but I also don't want to wear myself out over it.

I'm tempted to go back and rework some of the dialogue in the last set of pages. I had some issues with it because I lost my script for it, and I feel the resulting dialogue was too 'cute'. I want to rework it a bit and make it more grounded, because Seb is coming off a bit too sweet, when in reality he's supposed to be a really sarcastic, kinda arrogant character.


I got the votes on the mousepads, and no surprise, Puz won. I figured she would, so I was more interested in which of the runner ups would come second. Shockingly, they were tie-broken by one vote, so I guess there's not much of a distinct preference between Nightshade and Olivia. I've gone back and refined some of the designs. I'll be posting progress images on here as I continue to work on them.


Rewards bundle links will be posted on the 5th or so, as will the next Ask Puz n Pals questionnaire. Be sure to download last month's rewards packs if you haven't yet - they're in the main feed, just look back a few pages!

Thank you all for another wonderful month! I hope you'll enjoy the finale of this comic. This wouldn't be happening without your support!



