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All those warm and fuzzy afterglow feelings!

Highres, WIP files and PSDs will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!




Aww love a good cuddle after intense seggs ☺️

Pierre Johnson

Damn you Fox, I am so jealous right now.


I like how despite being slim, you still give fox some definition in his musculature. It's a nice balance that you don't see too often despite this being pretty accurate to the games. I also noticed Krystal hesitate to say the word "love." Since you established Cerinian's view intimacy differently, I'm guessing she may still be processing just how she feels about fox, even in real time, and isn't certain what word to use to describe how she feels about him. Though I could be overthinking this ofc

Talismann Minis

"Hey Krystal?" "Yes, Fox?" "Stop talking before you self-correct yourself single."


I think that she really wants to tell him she loves him, and she wants to openly date him, but he has his 'rule' about not complicating things with the rest of the team, so she's catching herself to respect his wishes, even if she can sense that he may be wavering on how steadfast he is on his rule lol


This reminds me of the ending to our Cabin Swap story.

Angel Eyes

Pillow talk is best talk


Such a sweet story. <3


Good writing here man. Enjoyed their pillow talk exchange.


This is such an awesome composition! Just great art~