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Ringing in the New Year with a bang!



Michael S Marks

Patrick is such dork at times, but good grief do we love him.


Feeling and squishing those fine breasts, feeling her naked body on yours, and being inside her? …Is it wrong to be jealous of Marcus?

Sean Barron

It's quite the bang. I can't wait for all the sweet and naughty things you've got cooked up this year.

Holo Wolf

It's obscured by her leg, but I'm assuming he's standing at attention. Or is he so used to seeing her like this that it no longer provokes a reaction.


She's lucky those fireworks didn't go off in her London Eye :P


really good work. But you made Pat smaller than he was in "Dangerous Bedroom Behavior" In that he would make her just as full as the brown horse she's sitting in the lap of. I mean he also lasted a lot longer as well. But I guess you've retconned how he was in that. I would really like to see Pat dom her like that again.

Angel Eyes

Love the breast squeeze


I see people sometimes self-insert into Pat and get upset about the cuck stuff, and I'm like 'why not self-insert into Markus' - and you just made a good case for it :B


Or maybe he's wearing a chastity cage (until she's done with the others) >.>


DBB was drawn in 2011. That's 12 years ago. My art style has changed a lot since then. For instance, Night now has bigger boobs. Puzzle's neck length (and Pat's) changed from shorter to now longer. Pat, in my mind, has always been fit, but not super buff. Markus is a draft horse, so he's just stocky, and he's going to be hung like one. Pat has almost always been depicted as about the size he is now. I dunno, I just see this as kinda like an overall critique of Pat not being a sex god or something, and it's like... he was never meant to be that. Artists change over time. I don't see the appeal of regressing to my early years.


Horse Party sounds like a darn good time, haha~


She looks like the best bang since the Big One.


Well put Kad, your current style is great. The colors pop, body sheen is slick and tufts of fur are subtle and cute. Still love your earlier works but it’s amazing to see what you’ve done to improve since then. It’s truly fantastic and inspired, I’m excited to see what happens this year! 🍻 😊


Double bang for her

Sean Barron

I know that Nightshade getting plowed by those horses is foreshadowing to that horse themed comic you've been working on.


I’d be happy being Marcus OR Pat if I can be around a hottie like Nightshade.


Not Noughtshade? You're batting 1000 getting her name right this week XD


God dang it. That was my autocorrect this time around. 🤬 *sigh* This has been quite a week. 😅

Kyron Ladon

The leg censoring Pat's dick. Talk about a cock block huh? HAHA *SLAPS KNEE*


Sorry if I came across as mean or rude it wasn't my intent. Don't get me wrong I really do like how you have progressed over the years. I just thought that Pat had more stamina and length back then but I get you need to make changes as an artist. Again sorry if I sounded mean or rude.


Excellent job and also Nightshade is holding her own very strong with two male stallion, so hot QmQ I witch... TmT