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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #381 - 384 go here!

Only Double Shot or Triple Shot Tier patrons can ask questions.

You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month, if chosen.

Please note that if you have asked the same question multiple months in a row and I have not chosen it, then it's unlikely I ever plan to, so try asking something new!



Big bad boys

Hey Vera: where are you from anyway and how did you meet your husband ?


Puzzle and Dimond: Have you two done any more exploring with Puzzles' awaking kinks?


Nightshade: I recall a particular night where you had fun with a lovely pup with blue hair(after a bit of searching Chelsea) do you two still 'get in touch' from time to time?


Markus, do you have any hobbies no one knows about? Dazzler, any resolutions for the new year?


Rory, have you met Dynamites parents yet? Glitter, do you have any quiet moments with Ruby at home? Nightshade, where is the hottest place you haven't done it, but would like to? To any members of the Safari, has anyone recognized you outside of work? How did the interaction go?


Hey Nightshade, how did you ring in 2023?


What’s the Elephant’s Trunk like? How does it compare to the Safari? Glitter, do you prefer being the manager over being a dancer?


All ladies: Have any lovely ladies gone streaking on a beach that wasn't a nude beach? Dazzler: Have you met Vera, Dynamite, or any other ladies? Dynamite: Do you have any horny thoughts, anyone particular? Diamond & Nightshade: Have either of two had a bikini waxing before?


Nadia, how do you feel being a cougar?


Puzzle, what was your time in India like?


Patrick, what caused your obsession with butts?


Wow there's a lot of good questions this month. I'm going to possibly do two month's worth from this batch, so I'm gonna say this is plenty to go through!