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Don't get discouraged, Gabby. It's the thot that counts!

Highres, WIP files and PSDs will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!




Gabby pretty much spot on with the appeal of Olivia’s sex scenes with those first two lines. I love the sneaky references to Horsin Around like the pose on the upper left, and with these two comics you’re really developing your skill with this kind of borderless sex scene vibe, which only increases my excitement for future stuff like Risky Reindeer Games 2 and other such projects. It’s jut gonna be really good reading this whole scene all the way through (haha) once it’s concluded. Horsin Around was tied with Dirty Talk for my most re-read project of yours at one point so this is nostalgic as hell.


Love that DP XD


Two guys on the top right had an argument, then they decided to meet in the middle :P


Gabby: *sighs in gay relief* It's only guys


I considered remaking Horsin' Around in this chapter, but figured it would be better to make this a follow-up. Was difficult coming up with new pose ideas while also homaging the original XD


It's workin out so far! It's a healthy balance of homage and originality. The decision to make this a follow up was probably a good call. I could see people reading Horsin Around and this scene back to back. It's me. I'm people. Also I would be remiss to not point out the cleverness of the pun in the description.

Sean Barron

You know, Olivia has never kissed a girl before. That's where you come in, Gabby.


This also makes me want Gabby to be with Olivia even more now.


This scene is fantastic : D

Big bad boys

I see that pun good stuff


Ooooooh?! ~w~ Oh my X3

Enda McNabola

I'm still waiting to see more of Carmen and Abigail.


Wait isn't Olivia pansexual??? Honestly I wish she would do a bunch of girls already