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I sometimes have multiple ideas for comic projects and I don't know which to do. Recently, I've been seeing a LOT of requests and interest in comics featuring Markus, and I have two ideas for longer comics I could possibly start next year. Again, these are just ideas, but I want to gauge interest!

Option 1: Dirtier Talk

A sequel to 2017's Dirty Talk, this would be the 'how Markus entered the picture' story, and feature the first time Night cucks Pat. It would show their first meeting with Markus, a date night with him, their first night together, and some interesting developments afterwards. This comic would be more plot-focused and have emotional elements, as we see how Pat and Night got into this lifestyle, with some surprising twists on expectations.

Option 2: Horse Club Comic

This would be set further in the future, when Markus is well-established as Night and Pat's 'bull'. In this scenario, Markus takes them to a horse-themed sex club in London (where he's a regular lol). The stallions flock to Night, while the mares are fascinated by Pat (giraffes are rare), so we get to see both of them get frisky with herds of horses, with Night getting muzzled at one point because she gets so turned on she goes almost feral. There is less 'plot' to this comic, and it's more about having Night and Pat get pushed to their sexual limits.

I'll leave this poll open until Wednesday, so vote if you want to and leave comments or feedback if you wish! Again, this is me seeing what people are interested in, as I'm kind of torn on which idea to go with.



Eh. Cucking is not something I'm into. So the second option where Pat at least gets taken care of simultaneously sounds like something I would be more interested in.

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Dammit, Kad! Two good options, and you expect me to choose!

Sean Barron

I can only imagine Nightshade being treated like a horse. With reigns and blinders and a saddle. And getting whipped on the butt with a riding crop. So hot! I really want to see Nightshade as the sub for once.

Patrick Bradley

Seeing Nightshade go feral and get muzzled makes 2 an easy pick for me can't wait to see it


I considered it but I think the outfit might look too silly for her. Instead, I had the idea of her arriving at the club in an equestrian riding outfit... which she isn't wearing for long lol


I bet Night's tail is going to wag like crazy after all that meat she has around her. Muzzling her might be the best thing and pinning/strapping her down and fucking the feral out of her and making her submit will probably be quite hot to see.


Do we really only get to pick one? Both of these are great for their own reasons: Plot and sexy time.


Noooo Dirtier Talk is losing? 😭😭 Are you planning on doing both comics?

Michael S Marks

As much as I would love a more plot driven narrative there is that part of me that just want to see if Patrick can satisfy a bunch of mares that are used to Marcus. That and I just want to see Kad draw some sexy mares.


What if Diamond was at the horse club when Nightshade was there would they fight?


Night muzzled?! I'm sorry, I would really love to see the plot development of a sequel to dirty talk, but that has me sold.


Kad's kink: sadistically making us choose between two awesome comics!


Love that outfit idea, very fitting and a nice reminder of that old picture of her and Markus.