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Now that I've gotten a bit of a backlog ready for the SASA Part 2 pages, I'm now underway on finalizing my TPP: Interlude pages. This includes solidifying the 'kid look' for pre-teen Olivia and Gabby.

The idea with their uniforms was to show that they're at the same place, but at a much younger grade, so they're going to be wearing simpler uniforms with some similarities to their more grown-up variants.

It was fun drawing Gabby's crazy pigtails here. Olivia's hair was a struggle, but I ultimately went for a somewhat stylish, but still conservative cut. Long hair and ponytails look odd on her with those horns.

Expect pages of this Interlude comic soon!





Stoker Bramwell

Didn't realize that they'd known each other for so long!


Aww...theyre adorable....of course no one knew how devilish Olivia was going to be lol


The calm before the storm :P


All that rambunctiousness sealed up, waiting to bust out X3


Gab's a tsundere, Xaq. Of *course* she'd have that hairstyle at some point in her life. XP


Olivia look so calm, I am surprised such a cute kid could end up such a nymphomaniac (is the word right? As it can be used both in a good and bad way, here being a good way), but hey, puberty!


they are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute i want to cuddle and pat them


She was so sweet and innocent, and then those hormones kicked in X3