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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #353 - 356 go here!

Remember you have to be a paying $10 tier patron to have your questions considered!

NOTE: You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month (if chosen)!

Also, if you have asked the same question multiple months in a row and I have not chosen it, it's unlikely I ever plan to, so try asking something new!



Jet Stream

Rory, how intimate has any massage gotten over your career?


Puzzle have you ever used a pocket vibrator in public Ben and Kevin, it's been a while since we last saw you. How have you two been? Have you seen Olivia since the party? Vera, did you breastfeed any of your children? Besides Olivia, does anyone dabble in exhibitionism?


Dynamite, did Rory once did something that did upset you at his work? Glitter, have you ever stood on stage yourself once? Nightshade and Puzzle, did you ever met in private alone? Dazzler, would you do again what you did in the fridge but raw?


Night: how would you react if for whatever reason Pat wanted your relationship to be monogamous?


Diamond and Nightshade: How would the two of you react if Puzzle and Patrick decided to swap partners for a week? Alternatively, Puzzle and Patrick: How would the two of you react if Diamond and Nightshade (somehow) decided to swap partners for a week?


Night: What's a kink you haven't done before and a bit embarrassed to be interested in?


Markus: What's a fun or cute hobby that no one would expect you enjoy?


Puzzle, what ever happened to that green haired zebra you were with before?


is any body into skinnies? you know dressing up as humans lol


Olivia and/or Gabby: were there any subjects in school you were surprisingly good at, or had a hidden liking for? Pat: what was the biggest culture shock moving from America to England? Night: everyone's lost something to a faulty washing machine or during a house move at some point. Have a favorite lewd clothing item that got shrunk/torn/stretched, or otherwise lost?


Dazzler: do you have a favorite outfit


Vera: you ever thought of having more cubs?


Okay that's plenty of questions to go through. Thanks everyone!