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Whew! June was a crazy month. I was crazy busy prepping several books for publication, preparing to deal at Anthrocon, and working on building up a comic buffer since I will be just as busy in July. Biggest of all though, I also finally started Londoners, after 10 years of planning! XD Honestly, the biggest reason I couldn't start Londoners before was because of financial stability. I just didn't have time to work on it when I was relying on commissions, but thanks to you, I can now breathe more easily and work on more comics. It's because of your support and generosity that Londoners is finally a reality! Thank you! ^o^

Here's what's in store for July:

Share and Share Alike

The comic is reaching it's 'climax' next month, so this month we'll see Di continue getting a one way ticket to pound town :P The comic is all out sexy stuff from here on out. Unf!


The webcomic is off to a solid start! This month we get to see the introduction of everyone's favourite ditzy giraffe. Check londonerscomic.com every Wednesday for updates!

Horsin Around

I actually inked a page from this last month, hated how it turned out, and scrapped it. I will try to get that page redone this month. Apologies this one is taking so long to finish. It's pretty much done, and now I'm just adding bonus pics to it, but it's still a low priority project.

Workflow Videos

I got the workflow videos working. These are ones from a few months ago, so there's no commentary. I think I might do real time commentary on future videos, talking while I draw. I'm debating if I want to add music to the videos, as I worry about copyright issues, even if they videos are just thrown out as freebies. Would anyone care if they're silent?


AC was a blast! Was great meeting some of you there, as well. I really enjoy getting to see you in person and chat about stuff. I hope those that went had a good con! :3

I also got to meet a Youtuber that I'm a big fan of. He's not a furry, but was stopping by because he was on vacation in the area. He was really nice and had a great sense of humour. If you like videogame discussions, especially regarding Playstation, check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MysticRB Also, on his patreon, he did a video about the convention and gave me a special thanks. Yay, now I'm e-famous! :B https://www.patreon.com/MysticRyan


I was going to try to do Anthrocon preorder commissions, but I ran out of time. So I have about 8 take-home commissions to do, which I'll upload here as they are completed.


I will be visiting family in late July, so I will be away the weekend of the 30th. Shouldn't really change anything. I'll just upload comic pages early that last week.

I think that's everything. Thanks again for another fantastic month!!




Glad to hear you had fun at AC. Any plans for other cons this year?


Probably not this year, but next we'd like to try out MFF or BLFC. Heard fairly good things about them!


Ah. I was mostly asking in case there was a chance you were going to RMFC this year. Oh well. I'd probably give MFF a shot myself if it didn't mean going to Chicago, which would mean going to O'Hare...I dunno why, but any trip I take that involves that airport goes poorly for some reason. :/

MKX Player

Glad you were able to meet a Youtuber you enjoy, and I hope you had a blast! Thanks for the rewards =)


Ah, naw, I'm not going to RMFC. Tbh, I would probably go to BLFC before MFF. I've heard there's been lots of issues with dealer tables and hotel bookings there in prior years.


In regards to the last message you sent out: Did Patreon somehow manage to include a "Reply-All" function? Wow, dunno whether to find that impressive or just silly.


Yeah, or something close to that. Essentially, if I send a group message, and then one person responds, if I reply, it'll send it to everyone, unless I make sure I double click on that one person's name (even though just their reply shows up in the group messaging). It's confusing and easy to miss, and a pointless feature.