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Gabby sure likes bumping into Regina in this chapter!

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In the words of Kevin Hart... It's about to go down.


Honestly there’s something about someone straightening someone else’s tie I find incredibly cute.

Everfree Brumby

Gabby is about to drop D’bomb!


So if Lamb chops is Regina's Insult, what is Gabby's?


Ah, conflict with blackmail, my favorite : D


Horny goat? [REDACTED] Wait they’re in Canada.


just a snide oh your ass is leaking then walk away lol


I feel like Gabby trying to save Olivia from whatever it is they have planned could help her get closer to Olivia. And since she's clearly in love with her too, she and her could develop a thing in secret as well?


Why did my brain go straight to the JoJo "To Be Continued" meme at the end? XP

Zhon Lord

No no no, this is WAY too soon Gabby! You need to catch her tomorrow or something so it's less suspicious that you found her right as she left his office!


I dunno, striking while the iron's hot (and while Regina's ass is aching too much to fight back or think straight) might work to Gabby's advantage here.