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Dun dun dun dun dun Inspector Gabby doo doo doo doo doo dee dooo!

If you need a refresher, check out the prior chapters by Clicking Here!

Highres, WIP files and PSDs will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!




The plot thickens as someone's genitalia slickens!


Yoooooo I didn’t think Gabby had it in her to do that. Interesting! I am very curious to see how this will play out and how it will affect the future parts


Well, if nothing else she'll have some bla-a-a-a-aackmail on hand. (OKAY, ENOUGH WITH THE BLEATING JOKES.)


While Gabby seems to panic easy, her ability to think on the fly is a great trait. But we are all wondering... Will the next page continue the HORNy or the SHEEPish Stealth~? (I regret nothing 😁)


Also, Kadath, we need to talk... You put in a 69-Easter Egg. So you deserve ALL the (BLEET)ing puns!


Go Go Gabby Phone!


Big twist: Gabby was DEEPTHROAT all along! She's gonna bust this Watergate wide open

Holo Wolf

I really love her "oh shit, busted" expression in the third panel


Twenty bucks says it's one of the rich bitch trio. They seem self absorbed enough to think they can judge others while being above the rules themselves.