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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #317 - 320 go here!

Remember you have to be a paying $10 tier patron to have your questions considered!

NOTE: You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month (if chosen)!

Also, if you have asked the same question multiple months in a row and I have not chosen it, it's unlikely I ever plan to, so try asking something new!




Hey Pat, do you and Markus ever hang out together?


Nightshade, have you ever worn a vinyl suit?


Glitter, have you ever thought about capitalizing on Diamond and Nightshade's rivalry at the Safari? Say with Mud Wrestling Nights?

Pierre Johnson

Rory: Have you been on a vacation that was particularly memorable Vera: do you have any siblings? Gabby: have you had any particularly embarrassing dreams you've never told anyone about?

Facundo Daniel

Ladies. What bikini models were the trend for this summer that is coming to an end? Vera. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Olivia. Who is better sexually? Jeffrey or Cameron? Nightshade. Have you ever acted in a porn movie?

Marcus Heckinberry

Puzzle: do you still give titjobs to Sebastian?

Marcus Heckinberry

Diamond: You’re now living as a nudist in the world of the last video game you played. How fucked are you?


Puzzle: What's your Favorit food? Vera: What do you like to do when your children are not there? Vincent: Would you give like more attention?

Michael S Marks

Vera; How's the family doing? Does where you work ever create any problems outside work, or are people fairly accepting? Gabby: Do you ever dream of marrying Olivia, and if so who is wearing the dress if anyone? You would look great in one! Sebastian or Markus: Have you ever failed to land a girl you were hitting on? Dynamite: Why did you decide to work at the Safari? Was it to help your social anxiety?


Diamond: Would you have sex with a rhino too?


To Pat and Puzzle: what is your reaction when you've found this: Giraffes are heartless creatures!


Nightshade : Can you show us your dildo collection, from smallest to biggest? Rory: As a masseuse working at a strip club and as someone who is dating Dynamite, do you ever have the urge to get a bit more "handsy"? Puzzle: We know what kind of video games Diamond liiks, so what is your personal preference? Glitter: Did you have a specialty from back when you would strip?

Zhon Lord

Gabby: Has Olivia ever dragged you along to any parties?

Zhon Lord

Dee: What's your fondest memory of winning one over Nightshade?


Markus: Who would you say is the most submissive and breedable?

Master S King

Kadath: can to different species have kids y/n? If no which 2 characters would you want to be the first to have kids?

Master S King

Kadath:I is there any character that is into the forbidden fruit?

Master S King

Night and Puz: if you was to meet or be friends with a couple that swaps partners join in with them, and many times would participate in this swapping

Master S King

Diamond and Night: have you both ever got so drunk that you ending up kissing or sleeping with each other?


1: Olivia, have you tried other hair-dyes before purple? 2: Sebastian, is there a downside to being in a three-way relationship? 3: Hey Ruby, with your skills with a knife, are you a good chef for Glitter? 4: Kadath, are any of your characters self-aware? (Other then Nightshade)


Vera, can I please see those biceps?💚


Puzzle, what would look sexier in.. A bikini or a lingerie?


Glitter how often do you see buff guys at the safari? *flexes*


Puzzle and Diamond: You both want Seb but only ONE can have sex with him. What can y'all do to win him over


We know Vera has the "Ice Breaker" but do any of the other dancers have a signature move? Rory, we know Dynamites a bit intimidated by Nightshade but how do you feel about her? Nightshade is Markus the biggest you've ever taken or has there been someone bigger? Puzzle do you ever wish your breasts were smaller? If so how much smaller?


Vera: How happy are your kids to be going back to school?


Nightshade: Waffles, pancakes, french toast. Which do you choose?


Anybody: Who all loves taking nature walks like Adam and Eva?


Sebastian: If you swam naked, what is your favourite swimming style?


Diamond: What is your favourite 'video nasty' of all time?


Nightshade: What is your favourite pastime?


Ruby: Will you ever become a successful surgeon?


Night, if you win that butt battle with Diamond, are you prepared to battle Vera for the championship title? Rory, have the ladies been treating you well since you started working at The Safari? Hopefully they aren't picking on the new guy too much. We all know Seb is crushing on Pat, but what would he think of Markus? Can either of the Patel siblings turn their heads all the way around, and have they ever done that in the bedroom?


Olivia, do you have a favourite place to masturbate?


Diamond, have you ever wanted to design/make your own video game?


Nightshade, any hopes/dreams for marriage? Bet you'd rock a smoking wedding dress.


Night: what partner have you had that was the most "don't judge a book by its cover?" (Or "don't judge a dick by it's bulge?") Pat: have you given thought to anything other than journalism? Considered trying your hand at writing books, or perhaps teaching? Vera: do you have a favorite drink to make behind the bar? Glitter: weirdest reason you didn't hire someone for the Safari?


are any of you into pet play?


Okay that's plenty of questions to go through. Thanks everyone!

Jacob Moss

To whichever one of you is historically minded I gotta know. With different species evolving separately how did history flow. Was Rome still extant and did the world wars still occur, or did nations of different species rise and fall throughout the ages.


Vince. As a bouncer at a strip club do you get to have any fun with the girls?


Diamond: have you ever been to PAX the gaming con?