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Yeah uh... your (ahem) tail is certainly cute, Vera!




Uh yeah....your tail is very cute. But that ass though.

Patrick Miller

Yes, a very cute tail ☺️


I mean, all jokes aside, characters with short nubby tails are cute when they wag them. Now to blend in with FA... "Unga bunga big badunga"

Patrick Bradley

Thicc moma bear working it haha, she so needs her own comic about her younger glory days


I love Numb/Short tails!!! They are so cute!! Kadath. What you you say is the most attractive part of Vera for you? For me (other then tail) is the Motherly-Peronality.


They way she looks in this pic looks like to me this is slightly younger Vera, but I'm most likely wrong

Carson Smith

Sh-she has a tail...?

Carson Smith

:p of course! Is joke! It is all cute and wiggly


Indeed, and everything around it is nice to look at too.


Such a cute little tail, and thicc booty


I think we could appreciate it better if you bent over...cough cough


Mhm, very cute tail, and wonder if she likes it pet. And of course, give her rear some nice action too.

T.J. Young

Yes your...tail. Definitely your tail <3

Michael S Marks

Bring that cute little tail over here so I can get a better look at it. You look tired Vera, you can sit right here on my lap and take a load off, and' tell me about your day.


Mmm so fluffy and sexy

Zhon Lord

Here lies Michael S Marks. Cause of death: crushed pelvis.


I can see how she was one of the better exotic dancers in her prime.