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Hey guys, just a quick update. I'm not going to have this week's comic page ready tomorrow, so I will be doing double updates next week. I'll post a pinup tomorrow instead.

The reason for the slight delay is that I basically had a year's worth of delayed appointments and such all happen at the same time. Doctor's checkups, vet appointments, DMV stuff... basically a litany of routine things that I didn't do last year for obvious reasons all happened to be scheduled this week. I'm out of the house most of the day every day, and I'm too exhausted to work when I get home lol. Thankfully tomorrow's the last day of this craziness, so after that I can just stay at home and focus on work!




Ok kadath you stay safe

Steven Flame

Don't push yourself too much.


No worries, man. Stay safe!


No stress my guy. Take your time. You can't rush art. I'm a musician, and I know how much rushed art sucks

Holo Wolf

That's completely understandable, thanks for the heads up!

Zhon Lord

I'll say it until you're sick of me saying it kad: health. Comes. First. The internet consumes all media as fast, or as slow, as it's put out for them to enjoy. If you have to miss a week then miss a week, don't overexert yourself playing catch-up after you've already exhausted yourself with life crap.


I know - but I feel if I don't explain what's going on, I'll get hassled about missing deadlines or people will think I'm dead or something XD I'd rather be cautious and just be transparent about what's going on. Appreciate the kind words though! :3

Zhon Lord

Oh I understand that part just fine. i'm talking about you saying you'll push for two comic pages next week after exhausting yourself this week. You haven't changed from when I was in your discord. Seriously man, it's perfectly alright for one week to be missed instead of pushing yourself after having just gotten done pushing yourself.


I tend to work on pages in batches, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem!


Stay safe, stay strong and stay cool Kadath, cuz You are awesome ^^