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Rory doesn't quite know what to make of the Safari's 'Office Politics'!



Patrick Miller

You go, Mama Bear! I also love the smile on Dynamites face 😊


I can never put my finger on Dynamite's faces. Also, who does Roy fear the most for Massages-sessions?


I didn't think Dynamite's eyes could get so big.


Damn, Mama bear looking fine. Plus, Dynamite's face is adorable.

Jason Moore

I'll massage mama bear.


I've heard of cold shoulders but this is ridiculous.

Silver Twirl

You go mama bear, gotta keep the young'uns on their toes

Patrick Bradley

Lucky dog I'd love to give moma bear a massage... but maybe without the towel haha


She's got that 'I'm aggravated but I gotta play nice' face going on lol I imagine Rory is most afraid of Night, as she's kinda intimidating.

Johnny Grimm

seems more like a little attention jealousy than saving him...unless you're saying shes saving him for herself LOL

Johnny Grimm

Also when i saw dynamites face I thought of this https://images.app.goo.gl/3p1VDquGmxs6dtG77

Julian Fratzscher

Everytime I see her eyecolor, I think Dynamite is blind.

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Suddenly, Dynamite begins hanging out with Ruby more and more. All of the other girls are starting to get worried...


X3 Mama Bear...!! You got 2 love it! ^W^

Everfree Brumby

That’s the look i get when i see bacon.