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Although the waters above appear calm , below the surface there is a frenzy of activity!




I'm sure her flotation devices will keep her safe :P

Zhon Lord

There are in fact hot tubs big enough to swim in - at least a little.

Craig from Omaha

Good thing there’s an ocean between them, or I’d fear for her safety that Ruby would pull a Jaws.


Naked hot tubbing. Olivia knows how to live. 😎


Is Gabby just off screen with a nose bleed?

Johnny Grimm

I think anybody that would be able to swim in a hot tub would be Ruby


She's already getting a fin attachment ready for her back lol

Cobalt Phoenix 81

I had no idea Gabby could hold her breath for that long. *squints* Oh wait, I see the snorkel.


Olivia makes any tub of water a hot tub....or, is that hawt tub?

Michael S Marks

Wouldn't mind taking a little dive in any hot tub with Olivia in it for sure. It would be worth possible heat stroke.