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Sorry everyone, got hit you with a big dose of SAD for a page or two - but it's crucial to understanding Olivia's psychology.

If you need a refresher, check out the prior chapters by Clicking Here!

Highres, WIP files and PSDs will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!






....someone give this poor girl a hug. ;_;


Wow thats a sad story


Poor Olivia :(


Dang, you really gonna do this to me on a Friday :( (Jk, loving the story)

Craig from Omaha

And here we only thought of her as the girl with more storage than a TARDIS…

Everfree Brumby

I guess everybody’s got demons in their past.

Talismann Minis

Poor sweetie... that fills in a lot of gaps about her too.


Jesus! That's a couple years o' therapy, at least O:

Zhon Lord

Left alone in a boat, having to row back and call for help at such a young age....


No...I'm not crying...😢😭


So this is why I love your universe. Not only are these memorable characters in looks, but in their personal lives. And Olivia has fascinated me the most. And not her looks, that's the bonus for me, but I have always wondered "Why is she the way she is? There has got to be a reason. And where does Gabby fit into this?" So to the point, I really appreciate that your going into this character so deep. It just shows you have a true love for not only Art, but the Art YOU make. So thanks for coming to my Ted Talk -Nate


This is why I love your stories, especially this one. Perfect blend of sexiness and genuine emotion.


I'm happy to hear! This chapter will dive into what makes Olivia tick. It's something I want to do more with my comics, so I'm pleased it makes them more interesting :D


It's tough to balance serious story developments and smutty stuff. I'm glad it's paying off :D

Wind Might

It's ''Excuse-moi'' not ''Excusez-moi'' Gabby is the Olivia's best friends not a stranger. In France the ''ez'' is for the stangers and others ones, I know that because i'm french