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Yeeeah, that's awkward!




I’m sure Di can distract him ;3


'Oh, I stumbled in by mistake. I thought it was a club for gentle men.' Also, Diamond's outfit, woof. Getting Duke Nukem 3D stripper vibes :P


... you think there'd be a code word specifically for this situation. I mean, that is a thing, right? the stripper code?

Jet Stream

I’d like to think he’d be proud of her expressing herself and not so shy in this circumstance :2

Julian Fratzscher

And if he is there specifically to see her? ...Just not in the weird way.


Dad: " Dynamite is that you sweetheart? " Dynamite: " Uh um.... " Dad: " Honey we need a private room ".


I like to think he's oblivious as to it being a strip club, like he thinks it's just a bar/club his coworkers wanted to meet up at XD

Viro Veteruscy

Dynamite: D-Dad?! What are you doing here?! Dad: I didn't know it was a secret. I always come to support my baby girl on Wednesdays! Dynamite: That explains why I always get extra tips on those day... >.>;


We need a follow up, (Dynamite) "Di!!! Why did you have SEX with my FATHER?!" (Di) "How the hell would I have know he was your daddy?" (Glitter) "Be that as it may, you STILL can't have sex with the clients!!!"

Michael S Marks

What is the only thing on the Safari that can scare the mighty cheetah faster than the ice cold glare of a ravenous jackal? Why it's the presence of her father sitting at a table at the other end of the room on a night she is working. Let's watch and see how this apex predator handles this situation.😅 On a side note, would love to see a pinup of Vera again. Especially what she wore for her special man on fathers day.


Is Dynamite's father highest Is contributor to Safari Club business?


He came for Night but then found out one of the big tittied felines looks very familiar

Pierre Johnson

"Especially what she wore for her special man on fathers day." damn we will need to remember this for the next set of ask's


I imagine he went to the wrong club to meet co-workers, but that would be quite the twist XD

Jason Moore

Diamond is talking to him. If she knows who he is I'd stop her


Mmmm, got distracted by Di's zeebee butt.


Okay this is indeed Issue but, yet, however,... Question is How many time dose He comes down to the club or... Is He there for business just too see how his little baby anger is doing At her job?! Also Mother Bear doesn't look so worry or freaked out she's cool and came. XD Keep up the great work and the awesome job.


I dunno - I just thought 'this would be funny/awkward' and didn't think that far into it.


Hey Vera, show him your icebreaker move :p