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The penultimate page for the first chapter!

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He's all business. Never mind you've got a hell of a gorgeous naked female in front of you... it's time for the college probationary forms.


Yeah... and her roommate (she had the key to the studio).

Talismann Minis

Ah, but we forget the intriguing references to his shadowy past! Perhaps he's in the mood for a relapse, considering his obvious disdain for those who brought this to his attention....

Major Matt Mason

And a visit with...the Disciplinarian! *BOINGGGGG* >:)


(last panel) That'll probably come later, Gabby.


I predict a threesome in exchange for not turning them in. o:


If porn has taught me anything, it's that all trips to the office should be looked forward to.


It is fortunate that Olivia is a cunning linquest. she'll be able to talk her way out of this one with both hands tied behind her back ^.~