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Happy Halloween! I wonder if Ruby even realized the knife wasn't a prop?

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Ruby's so adorable XD


Is it too late for Puzzle to wear a shirt that says Pumpkin Spice as a joke to her large chest? lol


When in doubt, try again lol


Something tells me that Ruby wasn't expecting the blade to retract.

Patrick Miller

Adorable little gremlin 💙


D-did Ruby just friking try to kill Di, her expression tells me she didn't know the knife was fake 😳


I’m trying to figure out what Di’s hoodie says I can figure out “stab” but the top word is throwing me off


Get me that Phantasy Star hoodie. I need it.


Given her expression, I... get the feeling she's somewhat annoyed the knife is fake. This girl is scary.


Ruby is a Southpaw.


She would be a tonberry. Deadly and almost impossible to kill

Talismann Minis

Yeeeeeah... she totally didn't know that was a prop. o_o

Joel Kreissman

Wait, how does a blade that big retract?


I was just gonna ask that but i think i have a better question. If ruby did plan on it, and she knows her knives, who switched out the blade? Cuz they must have known that Ruby woulda done it! Who did Glitter hire????


But idk whats got me more! Ruby planning a murder? Nightshade probably watching behind the scenes, and out of frustration writes a story where it actually happens? Or my biggest question: if Ruby planned on killing Di, whered her real knife go? Ruby was very confused, and she dont mistakes like that im sure!!! Did Glitter know? Did Glitter switch out the blade??? KADATH! qho did Glitter hire?!!?!

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Given how surprised Ruby is with that knife, I would guess that Glitter is the Safari's ninja master. She swapped out all of Ruby's blades with props, and the Murder Panda didn't even realize it.


Someone seems disappointed in the outcome of this staby stab encounter, lol~

Jet Stream

I guess Ruby didn’t roll high enough damage


Phantasy Star. It's a subtle joke about the Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star rivalry from the 16-bit days.


Nightshade watching off-screen, just soooo disappointed lol

Zhon Lord

The disappointment is priceless. The utter lack of surprise on Glitter's face is even more so. Happy Halloween everyone!


I have a weird feeling that Ruby was not dressing up for Halloween, more like preparing herself for a “murderus” night.

Andrew orillion

I've never played Final Fantasy so I thought this was a Don't Look Now reference.




Ruby seemed rather frustrated that her knives were just retracting into the handle. I don't think she realized it was retractable... OOps have I said too much... please don't stab me....please..!!!