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Well Dyna, if it were that easy, you'd have cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Highres, WIP files and PSDs will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!




Aww grumpy kitty


When those things bounce back down, those nice nipples will be poking out. lol


This is the most chill I’ve ever seen Dyna. ...Pat quick! Night might say yes to anal!


Well if the Rory pairing doesn't happen, I wouldn't mind Dynamite joining a lion OC character's harem. That's just me.


And she STILL flops about like that? NOW who's giving out signs? Dam, girl. Just... dayum!


Cute rory blushing


Rory is so lovable


Next up, Rory blows a raspberry on her belly button.


Well Rory, you may as well make the most of the situation, right? It's not like you're co-workers *yet,* after all. XP


Rory's innocence and sincerity + Tracy's energy and insecurity. Mix their traits together, shake and stir. Is this a good mix for a happy and successful relationship? Time and Kad will tell...

Zhon Lord

Friendly to a fault. Damn, that's a hard one to deal with. I know people who are like that, it's hard for them to say no to something and it can result in them putting out so much of themselves that they have nothing left FOR themselves.

Cobalt Phoenix 81

I've had Labs before, and the key to them is always their stomachs. All she needs to do is fry up some bacon and he will give up everything for her.

Pierre Johnson

she seems so relaxed with him now, Rory my man GOGOGO!!!


Let’s be honest. We all know what happens next

Jacob Moss

Yeah anyone whose anyone can see whats coming next a mile away

Trei Xavier

I REALLY hope this gets a physical release in the future

Marcus Heckinberry

I actually feel like this taught me an important lesson


Yeah, nice to a fault, and very dense. A bad combination, I think most people would have picked up on Dynamite’s intentions soon after they got to her place. After all, Dynamite was giving of signals as well, except she was intentional. And she got a LOT less subtle when they got to her place. However, maybe Rory acted nicer than usual because he subconsciously really liked her :P


That reading people and dating is hard and it’s much less stress to stay single? That’s my takeaway. Of course, it only reinforces my choice in lifestyle, so...


Agreed. But she was always giving out signs, and meaning to. Except Rory was dense.


This is the point where Rory realised how much of this was his fault.


I'm here for mass hysteria.


Do I even need to insert that Ghostbusters scene here?


Rory's denseness was based in part on an old friend of mine who was so dense, he had no idea one of Kay's friends was flirting with him hardcore. Eventually I just had to tell him. Those two are now married lol


Rory's denseness was based in part on an old friend of mine who was so dense, he had no idea one of Kay's friends was flirting with him hardcore. Eventually I just had to tell him. Those two are now married lol