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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #253 - 256 go here!

Remember you have to be a paying $10 tier patron to have your questions considered!

NOTE: You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month (if chosen)!




Olivia & Nightshade: Who can stretch the farthest? Gabby: Have you ever given Olivia a piece of clothing(underwear included) made from your wool? Nightshade and Pat: Have you two ever got caught having outside/public area sex? Puzzle: Have you ever done sexual stuff in a public area with Diamond or Sebastian?


Hey Dynamite, have you ever been to see your favourite band live?

Jet Stream

To any of the couples: have you done it outside?

Jet Stream

To Clyde: how do fo you lift brah?


Olivia if you were in a talent show what would your special talent be? Nightshade besides your booty does pat have any other strange addictions? Diamond if you were given a million dollars would you like nightshade atleast for a day? Dynamite what do you think of the song sweet cheetah by W.A.S.P. ?


What are Dax's preferences for potential lovers? Is Nightshade any good with computers? Patrick, you've worn Night's turtleneck before. Ever tried wearing any of her wigs? Vera, got any Mother's Day plans?

Dulshé Liung

Glitter, do you ever plan to expanding your business and open up a male strip club? Vera, would you mind sharing more about your childhood and where you grew up Ruby, you wanna make a fort out of all the undergarments? Vera, do you think your family will surprise you with something for Mother’s Day?

Facundo Daniel

Glitter: I know that the safari is a club where gentlemen attend, but are there nights for ladies? Everybody: would dare to have a big orgy? Nightshade: For you, does size count?


To anyone who works at the safari: what was the craziest thing someone has ever requested? Dynimate: Are you by chance a fan of horror movies? Do you get scared watching them or do you enjoy them? What's your favorite horror movie? Nightshade: How and when did you lose your virginity? Any regrets? Puzzle: How did you and Diamond meet?


What your girls doing for star wars day? May the 4th be with you


Nightshade: do you have to be a vegetarian around Patrick? Or is he ok with you eating meat? Diamond: How often does Puzzle cause a home related accident/incident because of her clumsiness? Ruby: are you a fan of scary movies? Glitter: how do you deal with Nightshade’s and Diamond’s constant fighting and bickering?


Gabby and nightshade, what do you think about having a number 1 fan Olivia, have you ever done body painting or art modeling Ruby, do you have any collections Diamond, does glitter still have you do "special" tasks for her at work


Diamond. Have you ever thought of making out with Puzzle whilst still have some of Seb's semen in your mouth? Dynamite: Being the Metalhead you are, ever been inside the moshpit/wall of death or even dove off of a stage?


Puz and Di, how are you both keeping busy during lockdown?

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Nightshade, what is the most romantic thing Pat has ever done or attempted to do for you? Dynamite, would you be willing to share Rory with Puzzle? For her back pain, of course... Vince, what is it like to work security with Ruby? Glitter, what is the hardest holiday to get the girls to dress up for?


Hey Puzzle, How DEEP does your relationship with Patrick go? 😏


Hey Glitter, Where was it when you and Ruby first meet?


Hey Pat, How goes the quest on exploring that lushes butt Nightshade has?


Hey Nightshade, What is the nicest thing you’ve done for Pat?


Night, do you and pat keep in touch with Joshua from time to time? Diamond, do you prefer latex or lingerie? Rory, heard you start working at the safari soon, meet any of the other girls yet? Pat, do you ever just look at the stomach pounder and wonder “maybe”?

Smol Baat

Hey Vince, have you ever needed to escort anyone out of the club for bad behavior? Hey Dax, what other jobs have you had, or were you destined for the coffee life? Hey Olivia, were there any moments in your life when you thought you bit off more than you could chew? Hey Glitter, has the obvious friction between Nightshade and Diamond ever caused problems at the Safari before?


Glitter, how can you handle Ruby and her chaotic nature ? Pat and Night, what is your favorite thing to do as a couple, sexually or not ? Night and Diamond, do you know your enemy's weaknesses ? Puzzle, what's the nicest thing Diamond did to you ?


Glitter - What made you want to work at the Safari to begin with?


Puzzle - Has Diamond ever taken you horse riding? You of course being the horse.


Nightshade and Pat - Have you ever done naked foreplay outside?


Olivia - How crazy have you been getting not being able to see anybody with the lock down?


Hey Diamond! Seems Nightshade’s doing an erotic novel at the moment, will you like to jump on the erotic novel bandwagon sometime?


Hey Olivia! Will you be taking up nude model art one day?


Hey Dynamite! What is your favourite movie genre of all time?


Hey Sebastian! Seems Summer’s around the corner for you, what will you be doing during Summer?


Glitter: How do you keep Ruby from going too crazy?


Puzzle, you do yoga at home?


Nightshade would you prefer thongs or panties?


Glitter at the safari, you ever teach the girls any new dance moves?


Dynamite, what would you say is your best feature on your body?


Diamond, have you ever used any controllers for 'purposes other than video games?' Ruby, do you have any jobs outside of the Safari? Pat and Night, who's the more responsible one out of the two of you (when talking about things like groceries, bills, scheduling appointments, etc)?

Master S King

Puzzle: have you ever thought about having a polygamy marriage with sebastian and diamond

Master S King

Everyone: have all of y'all ever thought about having a orgy before?

Master S King

Patrick: if you proposed to Nightshade an then told your parents and sister how would they react?

Master S King

Everyone: Have y'all ever wanted to become Phantom Thieves an steals people hearts?


Ruby: Has anyone aside from Glitter at the Safari ever heard you speak?


Puzzle: I know you've dyed your spots but have you dyed your hair?


Olivia : I know you pierced your nipples but have you ever considered piercing your clit as well? Diamond : Do you and puzzle ever role play and if so what as? Patrick : You know that nightshade is willing to put on a leash and collar for. Have you ever took her up on her offer and took her for a walk? Glitter : Despite her small size Ruby is pretty fierce. Is she secretly a dominatrix and you're her sub?


Dynamite: Ever have any friends or family inadvertently visit you at The Safari?

Blake Maiale

What's everyone's favorite sex position?


Always wanted to know, Glitter do you have Sex with men too?


Okay that's plenty of questions to go through. Thanks everyone!


To Diamond: if you could have a night with one of the residents of animal crossing who would you like to have?