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Hey everyone. Hope you are staying home and staying healthy in these trying times. I have the fortune of already working from home, so while my lifestyle may not have changed much, I am feeling a lot of anxiety over this, and I can only imagine how rough it is for those of you who are being made to stay home.

I wanted to know if you would be okay with me focusing on Dynamite's comic for the time being. I already had pages for next month in production, but hadn't started on Pleasure Principle pages for this month yet. With the massive stress of what's going on, combined with some arm pains (that I normally would see my massage therapist for, but that ain't happening anytime soon!) I'm in a position where I would be scrambling to get Pleasure Principle pages ready, while under a lot of stress. The Dynamite pages would be much easier to get ready to release on schedule, as they're half-done.

I know I keep delaying Pleasure Principle pages, and I'm sorry for that. I'm personally wondering if I should focus on the Dynamite comic exclusively for a while, instead of trying to do two comics at once. I'll do a poll in the future regarding that. For right now, I'm just trying to manage my workload and my stress, and I hope you will be okay with me focusing on Titty Kitty's misadventures for a bit.

Please be safe, stay home and self-isolate, wash your hands, etc. I know it sucks that many of us are cooped up right now while this situation plays out, but we can also keep each other sane by the little ways we reach out to each other through this helpful tool we call the internet. I hope my silly comics, art streams and discord chats will help mitigate the strain. Take care!




Be safe kad and if you get sick im getting a plane ticket and heading to your house to take care of you.

Frank the Bear

My dude, do what's comfortable. We'll love what you put out, no matter who it stars.


Stay Golden sensei you got this. I hope to see some porn in dynamite’s comic but if not, it will be all good.


Stay safe and do what you gotta do


Stay safe and well


I'm personally a big fan of the Titty Kitty so I love seeing more of her adventures :)


A Dynamite focus is fine by me. If you need to pause work to tend to your arm, I fully understand that! Avoid those RSIs!


Very understandable and be safe Kad and everyone


I am loving dynamite's comic


Whatever's easiest, Kad :)


I love Dynamite's comic so I may be biased but I would love to see more of her. Hopefully Titty Kitty's misadventure turns into some loving hot n heavy fun :). Good health to you and yours Kad, stay safe.


Take care of yourself first

Marcus Heckinberry

Go easy and slow, we’re still support you no matter what. I’d honestly LOVE to see more of titty kitty. But I’d also love for you to keep your arm feeling good and your body feeling clean. You do what you need to do. Thanks for informing us of the updates, though; glad to see your income wasn’t stunted from this.

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Focus on whatever you wish, Kad. You have my full support.


More dynamite hands down


Better to take care of yourself, take things slow and focus on yourself for some time, work the stress down if you can, or at least try to stop it from growing. Your health is most important, I'm sure many people would understand if you took a break for your health, even. Don't burn yourself out, because again, your health is most important.

Zhon Lord

Your mental health as an artist ALWAYS comes first Kad. If more Dynamite allows you to take a breather, then give us more Dynamite!


More Dynamote is fine. Whatever is easier


I have no issues with a Dynimate focused month.

Greg S

Go for Dynamite!


Wish I could stay at home, my work doesn't allow that. But your works are something that keeps me up, especially in these weird times. Can't wait to see what you draw, especially Dynamite, whom I started to really like:)

Pierre Johnson

More Dynamite sounds good to me, I still stuck going to work. Fortunately we've managed to keep all our staff healthy for the moment but there is so much fear to contend with.


You bring up a good point - I may need to do some porn pinups to balance out the more story-focused pages this month!


Yeah it's a pain. It's because I have a bad habit of hovering my left hand over my keyboard for hotkeys. I've reassigned some to my pen, so hopefully I can shake that habit XD


Yeah, sadly I've been running on fumes for months now, and I was like 'I should take a vacation' - and then a pandemic hits. Wee! XD