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I should've had Cam's finger land on Olivia's head in panel 2. Ah well, guess he's just testing her knee reflexes :P

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Vawkis Silverfall

Here say, and a back ground can be done with a bit of careful editing or photoshop. This principle is using his head. I like him


The pleasure principal. Gently caressing the tip of Olivia's hair~ >.>


Riley's BS game needs work. :|

Tyro Thunderdrone

Awww, that's adorable, she's not getting her way so she is trying to improv a bullshit story. ^_^ Someone should have taken an improv course in the drama club


She's such a jelious little kitty


He's not a principal, just the school counselor, but yeah, he's onto her game ;P


Funnily enough, one of my ideas for this story was that it would centre around a drama club, but I felt it would overly complicate the story so I went for the photo studio thing instead ;p

MKX Player

Will Riley's fur puff when she gets scared xP