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Olivia be skippin' class again!

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That last panel needed all the skill you could gather, no? X3 Very well done. I'm curious how it continues.


For some reason I like Rachel, I wouldn't mind seeing in a non-flashback setting(just saying).


May aim is to make her kind of a brat... but one that you kinda feel sorry for at the same time. Kind of a grey area character. We'll learn a lot more about her complexes and why she really gets irritated with Olivia. Also, I ended up renaming her Riley XD I actually just edited her character sheets. Sorry for the confusion - this comic has been pretty fluid with some of its naming details.

Talismann Minis

I have a sneaking suspicion that Olivia isn't necessarily skipping class so much as cleaning up after helping teach work up more of a sweat than just the stairs did. ;P


You're on the right trail, but that's not what happened in this instance. She really did skip class and he really did get worn out going up stairs. I didn't even consider that, but now that you pointed it out, it's so obvious I feel kinda dumb not realising it XD


Why do I get the sneaking suspicion she and Olivia are going to be doing it by the end of this comic? ... *sits back and enjoys the mental image*


The teacher a draft Horse? Not sure...