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A few updates!

Thank you for the kind words regarding the family situation. Sadly, Kaylii's grandmother passed very soon after we were informed of her declining health. The funeral was today and Kaylii went out of state this week to attend it (I had to stay here and look after the house and cats, otherwise I would've attended too).

On top of that, my sciatic nerve acted up again for the first time in a year, and it's been keeping me away from my desk for prolonged periods. This has prevented me from being social or doing workstreams. Overall it's been a rough month.

Before leaving, Kaylii got the linearts for pages 5 - 8 finished, and I just completed colouring and lettering them. I'll be posting them once a day for the rest of the month.

I've decided to (yet again) change the title of the comic... even this title may not be final. I'm renaming it 'The Pleasure Principle', because the psychological concept is a major theme in the later chapters. I want to get psychological with this story, so we'll see how it goes :P

Some exciting news is that we're close to $3000 a month in pledges! I might add a new milestone, perhaps for 6 pages a month instead of 4, or maybe start a side comic or portfolio that updates bi-weekly. Would either option be preferable?

Thank you all for your patience this month. The comic pages are being posted rather last minute, but it's just been a trying time. Hope you'll like the story!



Hmmm... Either a side comic or a portfolio would be awesome, since I usually read the comic all at once at the end.. so, the pages a month aren't hugely a problem for me since I don't really have to have that biting need for continuance of an ongoing story. BUT, this is only my input. The side-comic or.. mini-comic if that's what's in mind would actually be really cool. Giving us a look into smaller aspects of your characters that you might not be able to put into a larger production.. or side-comic of other ideas that you have in mind. My two cents.


I just like to remain consistent with my upload schedule, but it has been tough this summer with all this real life stuff going on X3 I'm leaning towards doing mini-comics, personally. I might leave it up to vote if they'd be side-stories to the Olivia comic, or if it'd be a 10-20 page comic featuring my other characters.


Thanks for updating us. Hope things start looking better for Kaylii. On our options... I would go with a mini-comic. Making a universe more in-depth always makes for a better read. Thanks again :)


maybe you could start the web comic when you hit the 3000$ that would be awesome