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Okay! I know this has been a rather quiet month so far. Some good reasons for that. Here's a rundown on what's been happening and what to expect:

Kaylii and I took in a friend for a few months while they were preparing to move. It's been time-consuming and stressful, but thankfully they are leaving tomorrow, so things should be far less distracting.

We found out a close relative is terminally ill, and we don't know how long they have. It's a rough situation, and a sad one, and we've been reeling from that this week as well.

I've been spending the past few weeks working on Candy Walls. What's going to happen is that Kaylii is assisting me with the inking, so we are going back to the first four pages and getting those re-worked so they match the style for the rest of the project. The next four pages are ready to be inked, so most likely there will be 8 comic pages uploaded this month, but it will be a back-heavy upload sort of month.

I've substantially reworked CW, sketched out and scripted the first 32 pages which comprises the first chapter (of four or five). This has not been easy, as I have toiled (and I mean TOILED) over the story, trying to determine if I wanted it to have a steady flow of sex scenes or focus more on character development. While every chapter will have nudity and/or sex, I've made the tough decision to excise two major, chapter-long sex scenes from my original draft. The main reason is because it felt like they were forced (having sex because it's expected, not due to furthering the story or developing the characters). I really liked these scenes but they just felt like an obstacle. The good news is that they will be salvaged into mini side-comics or portfolios in the future.

This has also caused me to rename the comic, as Candy Walls was the name of a gloryhole in the comic. Ironically CW was going to be a portfolio that developed into this comic, and now the namesake has been excised from the story XD

I'm not 100% sure on the new title, but my top candidate so far is 'Thieves Like Us'. This works on several levels, including actual thievery being a starting point for the story, and a metaphorical comment on character and institutional philosophies. It also ties into the titles I have for future Olivia stories, which are darker sounding and are often inspired from 80s songs and obscure movies ;p

So, next week we should start seeing updates on the comic, starting with the first four pages reworked and then the next four coming after that. I haven't had much time to work on pinups so far this month, but I'll see what I can do, or at least show some behind-the-scenes content of the comic.

TL;DR: Life stuff and comic planning has kept me busy. Updates coming soon, likely 8 comic pages. Comic renamed 'Thieves Like Us', will have less smut but more character development.

Thanks for your patience! I hope you'll enjoy this comic. I'm excited to really get into something that's character-focused. There'll still be smut in it, but I want let you get to know my characters better, so this will be the start of that :3



I'm sorry to read that a close relative is going through so much pain. I do hope the relative passes away gently because I remember how it effected me when my grandmother was with breast cancer. So please feel free to take as much time as needed because you sure as hell don't feel like drawing after experiencing such a thing. Life can be a real bitch when it wants to be and you have been more constant than other artists that I have backed and pay monthly for their work. How much are you going to change the basic story line? I get hints that the answer is not at all and would focus on character development with sexiness tossed in. Which, I wouldn't mind knowing more about Nightshade. She sounds an amazing woman that have a kinkiness that I would love to see more of. Would "Thieves Like Us" be considered cannon? As in, this is how your OC characters would act if faced with what happens in the comic and not the "what if" that I remember you mentioning in previous posts. I really do enjoy your work and glad to see my money isn't wasted considering how much other websites cost to put out the same context as you do. Thanks for doing this for us and keeping us up to date.


Thank you, both Kaylii and I very much appreciate the kind words (and sorry to hear about your own family struggles)! I'm going to try my best to make sure there's no hitch in the patreon schedule, and if there was, I would make up for it the following month. The basic storyline isn't changed, and only two scenes were removed, which I think might work better as standalone shorter comics or vignettes. I had some reservations about them, and after talking to several friends about it, everyone agreed independently that those scenes weren't needed. Thieves Like Us will be the first in a series of comics that will explore Gabby and Olivia and the various adventures they get involved in. Each story will be graphic novel length (120+ pages). Nighshade, Diamond, Puzzle and the others will get their own webcomic, Londoners, which will be story-focused. I've got the first chapter ready to be sketched out, but I just need to get a backlog with Thieves Like Us ready before I tackle it ;3


Sorry to hear about your relative, as Timothy stated, we all know how hard it is. It is the worst kind of news to receive. On a brighter note, I'm glad the comic is going well. I like your decision on it's direction. I agree its better to have a character driven story than just more sex. Thanks for the update, and hope things start looking up soon.


Thank you, it's a trying time, for sure. And yeah, I was worried the character and plot got 'put on hold' for these chapter-long sex scenes. As fun as they were, it's like seeing an action scene in a movie drag out. While a reason to view, it can be too much. X3


Sorry to hear about your relative's health. Excited to hear the comic is still progressing though, and looking forward to the spinoffs you mentioned as well! Will the Candy Walls portfolio you mentioned still be happening?


Sorry for the late reply! Things have been crazy. Yes, the Candy Walls portfolio will still be happening. It'll a side project now instead. Sort of like a side story.