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Hey everyone, a quick update:

I know I've been a bit quiet (normally I post something almost every day). I've been having some pretty rough health issues lately; constant leg/back pain, tension headaches, arm pains, etc. I've been to the docs, been to massage therapists and such. It's getting slowly better, but I've essentially been laid up for 2 weeks. Combine that with seasonal depression and I have not been terribly social nor motivated. I didn't want to give the impression I was slacking off, so I wanted to do a quick update to let you know I'm still alive, just in a lot of pain, lol.

I might not have the next Punished Puzzle page uploaded this weekend, but it'll be up next week in a double update if that's the case. I just finished Ask pages so those are all good to go. I'll probably do a request stream late in the month when I'm more rested. I'm just letting you know this may be more of a back-loaded month as I regain my health.

Thanks for your patience and support!




Take time for yourself kad, get better.


Rest up and come back better than ever, getting over flu as well while being worked half to death. Get your health back soon mate :)


Get well soon


Aah, seasonal depression... I know that one. Hope you will find something to keep you going ! Take care !

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Take as much time as you need, Kad, and get to feeling better.

Trei Xavier

Take care of yourself, well be here when you get back


Don't worry about it kad. You be good to yourself and get the rest you need.


Don't worry about posting stuff everyday or every other day~ You're human after all so you need your rest and relaxation~! I'm all too familiar with your plight as I'm struggling to stay awake at work anymore...this is the third night in a row I've fallen asleep because during the day it is so hard to get any sleep whatsoever with people in the house being loud and disrespectful of someone trying to sleep. Just take care of yourself and make sure you stay well-rested and social during this seasonal depression that I'm all too familiar with. Do you take medication for it by chance? Or do things to help lift your spirits? I hear light excercise or yoga is good with depression. Hope you feel better and take as much time as you need~!<3


You should definitely rest up and take care of yourself, no point in you doing anything that would make you feel worse. Take all the time you need.


Oh no! Hope your condition improves soon! It is well that you are not pushing yourself harder in this state. Get rest aplenty!


Agreed, physical and mental health is more important than constant uploading, rest up with some tea and warm baths. You do wonderful work you deserve some rest. Love your art, been a huge fan for five years.


Im so sorry kad hopefully the pain will go away im here if you need to talk to someone.


No worries here, Just get better Kad.


Take your time and rest up. Health is important~


Get better on your time


Hope you feel better soon. Rest up and recover


No worries, mate. Get well soon ^-^/


No worries . Get well soon <3


Hope you feel better soon!

Zhon Lord

Health comes first, always. We're not going anywhere kad, you just take care of yourself.


Usually it hits me in November. It came early this year! X_X


I take some vitamins every day, but I'm not taking any prescription meds. It's not quite at the level where I feel I'd need meds tho. And I exercise regularly at the gym. You should get some rest too!


Thank you, and yeah, I've been taking epsom salt baths, which has helped a bit!


Hope u feel better


Health -always- comes first, Kad. Please take care and I hope you feel better soon!