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I might wait until this evening or tomorrow morning to send out rewards, as there's still a lot of pending payments. I'm thinking the holiday weekend delayed processing (plus that mass payment decline hiccup didn't help matters much). Rewards are coming, I promise!



Did my payment go though?


Note: If you haven't received an email from me about a declined payment, then your payment has most likely been processed.


I know mine when though .. wishing I have more to commission you ^^


Did mine go through?

tom barbour

I can clear up the entanglement on my end, but funds won't be available until the 14th. If this is ok, if not I understand'

Marcus Nordan

Not sure if my pledge made it through.


Pledges process at the end of the month. You just joined, so it won't be processing for a few weeks, and then you'll get this month's rewards.