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Hello everyone! Let's see what's in store for June. My birth month. Yes, I'm a June Baby! A quick note that I'm actually in the process of moving to a new apartment, so I will be very busy for the first weeks of the month. This means Ask pages may be delayed a bit.

This past month was really crazy. I had to get several massive books ready for Anthrocon printing, and we secured a new place to move into, so I was busy packing up and moving stuff too.

Ask Puz n Pals Questions

Next month, I'll be attending Anthrocon, so I won't be able to post Ask pages on schedule unless I double up this month and have them prepared ahead of time. So I'll be doubling up, which Double Shot Tier patrons get to ask 8 questions instead of 4 this month.

Dynamite's Dating Dilemma

Time for Dynamite's calm date to get whipped up into a frenzy. Poor girl never has anything go her way XD

Punished Puzzle

Puzzle's gonna get down and dirty this month, as the fun begins. I'm having a lot of fun drawing this. It's been a refreshing experience for me, and I hope you're enjoying it too!

Sketch Streams

I've had a number of people message me asking if I take commissions or what the rules are. Please follow me on picarto to see when I stream, and also check the info on my page to see the commission rules: https://picarto.tv/Kaddyshacks

Request Streams

I had no time to do request streams in May, and I'm doubtful to have time in June either. I know, I know... I just started these, and already had to put them on hold XD I'll likely be taking lots of stream commissions this month instead, however!

Patreon Discord

A reminder that if you want to join the Patreon Discord, you have to click the link that you were given when you joined the Patreon. If you have trouble finding it, the Patreon FAQ should help.

NOTE: I've seen a lot of people have issues with this lately. Patreon is apparently rearranging bits and pieces of their site, and I think it's causing connectivity issues. If you're having no luck trying the built-in (or emailed) discord links, then poke me for help.


Rewards bundle links will be posted by the 3rd. Be sure to download last month's rewards packs if you haven't yet - they're in the main feed, just look up the Rewards tag.

Thank you so much for your support!




Noice. Wishing the best and easiest of times with the move, Kad, and in time for your birthday! :D


Happy birthday, kadath! I'm a June baby too. Also, I was wondering, when will you be working on the next part of "pleasure principal "?

Patrick Miller

I can wait. I've been a fan of Puzzle and the crew for a number of years but so glad I finally found you.


Prepare the birthday giraffe!