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Diamond, just admit that like everyone else, you can never predict what or how Nintendo will do.

Also, yay 200 Asks!




Lol thats funny also yay 200!


Omg just way too funny

Jet Stream

Congrats on 200 Kad!


Don’t worry Di, I’m on your side :3

Stoker Bramwell

March 26th: Panzer Dragoon Saga HD remake announced for Switch

Frank the Bear

Just watch: Nintendo gets the rights to Panzer Dragoon and makes a Switch Remake


Can't wait to see 300. "Well, the Switch has sold more units than console gens 1-9 combined BUT..."


Congratulations for 200.


And then Night pounces!

Dragon Cobolt

I am hugely smug over the fact that called the switch's success. Now, if only I had bought stocks...


Hah, Puzzle :P


Omg, just imagine XD There's a Youtuber I follow named SomeCallMeJohnny and he has this habit of making a statement about something Nintendo related, only for them to announce it literally immediately afterwards. Last time, it was the Switch reveal XD


If anybody who had stocks could predict Nintendo, they'd be a millionaire XD

Cobalt Phoenix 81

One minute before this, Nightshade and Pat were spooning on the couch watching the movie Blackhole. 5 seconds before this, Nightshade's "Gotcha" sense kicked in and she teleported all the way across London. 5 seconds after this, Pat screams, leaps from the couch, and cowers in the corner. 30 minutes after this, Nightshade explains what happened to a clearly terrified Patrick. 76 hours after this, Pat finally falls asleep, exhaustion finally trumping massive doses of caffeine and the still-remaining "What the Fuck?!" aftermath. Oh, and congrats on 200 AP&P, Kad!


I’m just imagining that nightshades been spending all of her free time snooping outside of di and puz’s apartment waiting to hear the words “I was wrong” leave di’s mouth, and at that moment nightshade just kicks there door in like the kool-aid man and yells out you were wrong. All while puz is just high out of her mind and just offers her tea.


And yes I know puz doesn’t smoke or do drugs but that’s just where my train of thought went


*Gives Dimond 200 smooches on the nobez" Congrats Kad!


Now that's the tea đŸ”


Well now we see, to be getting a new Panzer Dragoon too, so Dee is just taking continuous Ls when it comes to the Switch XD